The activity on INDODAX user’s account will be locked when an INDODAX user cannot login to the account and utilizes the Forgot Password, Lost Phone Number, or Lost Google Authenticator feature.
A locked INDODAX account activity means that INDODAX users cannot make any crypto assets or Rupiah buying and selling transactions, deposits, and withdrawals, or make changes to personal data, such as email and phone number.
The purpose of implementing account lock activity is to prevent other irresponsible parties from taking over account control and activities on INDODAX user accounts.
To continue crypto assets transactions and buying/selling activities on INDODAX after using the Forgot Password, Lost Phone Number, or Lost Google Authenticator feature, users must first unlock the activity which can be done through the INDODAX Mobile App.
Here's how to unlock activity on a locked INDODAX account:
- Login to your account on INDODAX Mobile app.
- Click “Activate Now” to start the face detection process.
- Read the instructions carefully to proceed the face detection, and click "Start".
- Click “Next” to continue after completed the face detection process.
- Please wait as INDODAX is currently reviewing unlock activity request on your account.
- User will be informed via email notification if the unlock activity process is successful.
The unlock activity process can only be done through INDODAX Mobile App because it requires a face detection and verification process through the Liveness Detection feature. However, the following actions should be taken if an INDODAX user has already logged in on the website after completing the Forgot Password, Lost Phone Number, or Lost Google Authenticator process:
- Login to your account on INDODAX website.
- A popup will appear to download the INDODAX Mobile App by scanning the QR code on the "Marketplace" menu with other device (mobile phone).
- After the INDODAX Mobile App is successfully downloaded or opened, please follow the instructions on the INDODAX Mobile App to unlock your INDODAX account activity.