No, it is not possible to directly withdraw your digital assets to your personal Rupiah account. This limitation exists because withdrawals can only be made in Rupiah from your Rupiah balance. If you have digital assets or if your assets are frozen and only reflected as estimated asset value, you will need to sell your digital assets on the market first to obtain a Rupiah balance. Another option is to check the status of your frozen assets to ensure that the sale of your assets or your previous withdrawal has been processed and completed before proceeding.
What is the difference between Active/Rupiah Account balance, estimated asset value, estimated Rupiah value, digital asset balance, and frozen balance?
The wallet displays on the website.
- (A) Active/Rupiah Account balance refers to the total assets in Indonesian Rupiah that you can withdraw to your bank account with a minimum of Rp 100,000.
- (B) Digital asset balance represents the overall total of assets you possess in the form of digital assets (tokens/coins).
- (C) Estimated asset value is an approximate value of the total assets you own in Indonesian Rupiah.
- (D) Estimated Rupiah value is an estimated value of each asset you own in Indonesian Rupiah.
- (E) Frozen balance refers to the balance that is currently not available for trading or withdrawal because you have used it in a previous buy/sell order of digital assets. The same can also apply to the process of withdrawing Rupiah/digital assets. (Click here for more information on frozen balances.)
The wallet displays on the Application.
What if the digital asset I have is not in the form of Rupiah?
Indodax has several markets that only use pairing other than Rupiah. Therefore, if you previously made a purchase on a digital asset that only uses pairing other than Rupiah, you need to sell that asset first on the respective market to convert your digital asset into that respective currency. Once you have that currency, you can then sell it on the respective market to convert your selected currency asset into an active Rupiah balance.