For some digital assets at INDODAX, deposit and withdrawal must include the memo/message/destination tag. If you forgot to input the memo/message/destination tag, here are the steps to recover your transaction :
If you forgot to input the memo/message/destination tag while sending the transaction to your INDODAX account, please contact our Customer Support via email and attach the data below:
- Name :
- Username :
- Email :
- Sender Address Wallet :
- Recipient Address Wallet :
- Memo/message/destination tag Indodax account :
- TX ID :
- Amount :
- Screenshot of the transaction detail from the sender wallet history :
- Screenshot of sender wallet address barcode :
Your transaction will be reviewed and followed up by our team.
Digital assets withdrawal from INDODAX to another INDODAX account or exchange/wallet must be included by memo/message/destination tag. Please ensure the memo/message/destination tag is correct and matches with the destination address wallet. Please keep in mind, that all the successful withdrawals on INDODAX and the blockchain can not be canceled or failed. So if you input the wrong memo/message/destination tag, please contact the recipient or support contact the destination wallet/exchange of your transaction.