If you do not find a market or instant order method when buying/selling coins, it means that the digital assets you want to sell or buy are on “USDT Markets”. Where in USDT Markets, there are only two transaction methods available, namely limit orders and stop limit orders. This applies both when you transact through the Indodax application or website. The limit order method allows you to determine the desired selling or buying price before the transaction is made. Meanwhile, stop limit orders give you more control over certain price conditions that can trigger transactions. Using limit orders or stop limit orders can provide more flexibility in managing your digital assets. Be sure to choose the method that best suits your investment strategy. If you want your transaction to be immediately sold / bought on digital assets in USDT Markets, please specify the selling / buying price in accordance with the current market price so that your order transaction will be immediately successful.
Why don't I find a market/instant method when buying or selling coins?
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