If you make a 100% sale transaction of a coin but only 64% of it is successfully sold, then if the transaction is canceled, only 36% of the remaining unexecuted sales will be canceled. This means that transactions that have been successful cannot be canceled, only the remaining orders that are still pending can be canceled. This is important to note so that members understand that some transactions that have been successfully executed cannot be canceled. The cancellation process only applies to orders that have not been fully filled in the market. If the order is already in the “filled” status, then the transaction cannot be changed. Therefore, before canceling, make sure you check the status of the order so that there is no misunderstanding in the process. Always pay attention to the detailed information of the transactions in your account to ensure that the steps taken are suitable for your trading needs.
If I make a 100% coin sale transaction but only 64% has been sold, will all transactions be canceled if canceled?
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