Q : What is DCA/Recurring Investment?
A : DCA/Recurring Investment is an INDODAX feature that allows user to schedule an asset purchase regularly every month with a predetermined schedule and buy amount.
Q : Where can I access Recurring Investment on Indodax?
A : User can access this feature via:
- Homepage (Apps):
- On the Home page, below Favorite Coin (LITE)
- On the features list (PRO)
- Market Page (LITE)
- Sidebar (Website)
Q : Can I make Recurring Investment schedule for today’s purchase?
A : User can make Recurring Investment schedule anytime they want, but the first transaction can only be carried out on D+1 from the schedule creation day.
Q : How do I make a Recurring Investment?
A : To make a Recurring Investment please follow the step below:
- If you are accessing Indodax via Website:
In the funding source column, besides utilizing your Indodax balance, you also have the option of using your OVO e-wallet as an alternative funding source.
- If you are accessing Indodax via Application:
Q : What coins are eligible to invest on Recurring Investment feature?
A : For now, you can set Recurring Investment to buy these coins: BTC, ETH, dan USDT.
Q: At what time will my Recurring Investment be executed?
A: The execution of your Recurring Investment will take place at 11:00 AM (WIB).
Q : What if I don’t have enough balance on my Wallet on the transaction day?
A : Transaction status will be on “Pending” and user can retry the purchase after topping-up the Wallet.
Q : How much is the minimum and maximum amount for Recurring Investment purchase?
A : To make a Recurring Investment, user needs a minimum of 10,000 IDR and a maximum of 5,000,000 IDR for the purchase from every schedule made.
Q : What is the meaning of the status on the Recurring Investment transaction?
A : The meaning of the status on the Recurring Investment transaction are :
- Process: recurring Investment is processed and waiting to be executed
- Pending: if user balance is insufficient, user can retry after the balance is sufficient.
- Success: indicating the Recurring Investment is successful
- Expired: when pending transaction period is over and replaced with the new transaction.
Q : What if I want to end my Recurring Investment schedule?
A : User can stop investing by heading to Investment Detail page and click the button “Stop Investment”.
Q : How can I see my finished Recurring Investment schedule?
A : User can see them on “History” tab on the Recurring Investment dashboard.
Q : What will happen on my invested coins after I end my Recurring Investment schedule?
A : All coins bought from Recurring Investment will enter user’s Wallet Coin.
Q : How can I see my successful transactions history?
A : User can see successful Recurring Investment by selecting on of the Recurring Investment from the list, the click “Transaction List”. User can click one of the transactions with the “Success” status.
- If you are accessing Indodax via Website:
- If you are accessing Indodax via Application:
Q : Are service fee, transaction fee and tax charged for the first time transaction or every transaction?
A : Service fee, transaction fee, and tax will be charged every time the transaction is carried out.
Q : What’s the difference of Recurring Investment portfolio and Crypto Wallet portfolio?
A : The difference of Recurring Investment portfolio and Crypto Wallet portfolio are :
- Recurring Investment portfolio will reset when user click “Stop Investment. However,, it would not affected the Crypto Wallet portfolio.
- Recurring Investment portfolio will not be affected when user sell their assets from Recurring Investment. It will only affected Crypto Wallet portfolio.
Q : How can I sell my coins from the Recurring Investment?
A : User can sell their coin directly. However, the displayed data on Recurring Investment portfolio will not be affected. Changes will be displayed only on Wallet portfolio.