We can inform you that it is important to know that Bappebti is an official institution under the auspices of the Minister of Trade. This institution also has a direct relationship with the Capital Market Supervisory Agency (BAPEPAM), Bank Indonesia (BI), the Attorney General's Office, and the Indonesian National Police.
Bappebti's main role in supervising and regulating commodity futures trading is related to that position. That means, Bappebti plays an important role regarding the supervision, either directly or indirectly, of the course of transactions in the futures market. In this case, all applicable transactions must take place according to the regulations that have been approved and determined by Bappebti. In addition, Bappebti also plays a role in licensing, supervising, and regulating commodity and crypto futures trading activities.
In this regard, Bappebti plays a role in making and determining regulations regarding futures trading. This institution also supervises and monitors all activities at futures clearing houses and futures exchanges. Then, Bappebti also manages the issuance of business in the field of futures trading in accordance with the provisions and conditions that have been determined.
Furthermore, Bappebti also provides protection for the interests of business actors and the general public in commodity and crypto futures trading. This role is carried out by Bappebti by entering into the area of financial regulation, namely by overseeing the circulation of money generated from futures market transactions. The authority is carried out by Bappebti together with BI with the aim of avoiding financial crimes in financial transactions. Further information can be accessed through the following article link
What is the role of BAPPEBTI?
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